// huffware script: axis rider, by fred huffhines. // // causes an object to move up and down on the z axis, although that and // other parameters can be modified. // // this script is licensed by the GPL v3 which is documented at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // do not use it in objects without fully realizing you are implicitly accepting that license. // // these two control how far from the original position the object may travel. float MIN_POSITION = -0.3; float MAX_POSITION = 1.0; // these specify which axis to modify and compare on. integer USE_X_AXIS = FALSE; integer USE_Y_AXIS = FALSE; integer USE_Z_AXIS = TRUE; // these are the limits on how much the object can move during one timer click. float MIN_POSITION_ADJUSTMENT = 0.05; float MAX_POSITION_ADJUSTMENT = 0.07; // jitter is the capability for the object to not be aligned on a straight // up and down axis. integer JITTER_EFFECT = TRUE; // if this is true, then the rider will move unevenly at various angles. float CHANCE_FOR_JITTER = 0.60; // this is the probability of changing the current direction (0.0 to 1.0). vector MIN_ANGULAR_POSITION = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>; // minimum jitter amount, in degrees. vector MAX_ANGULAR_POSITION = <1.0, 1.0, 4.0>; // maximum jitter amount, in degrees. float TIMER_FREQUENCY = 0.20; // this is the fastest that prim changes can happen anyhow, // so we fire the timer at this rate. ////////////// // huffware script: auto-retire, by fred huffhines, version 2.5. // distributed under BSD-like license. // !! keep in mind that this code must be *copied* into another // !! script that you wish to add auto-retirement capability to. // when a script has auto_retire in it, it can be dropped into an // object and the most recent version of the script will destroy // all older versions. // // the version numbers are embedded into the script names themselves. // the notation for versions uses a letter 'v', followed by two numbers // in the form "major.minor". // major and minor versions are implicitly considered as a floating point // number that increases with each newer version of the script. thus, // "hazmap v0.1" might be the first script in the "hazmap" script continuum, // and "hazmap v3.2" is a more recent version. // // example usage of the auto-retirement script: // default { // state_entry() { // auto_retire(); // make sure newest addition is only version of script. // } // } // this script is partly based on the self-upgrading scripts from markov brodsky // and jippen faddoul. ////////////// auto_retire() { string self = llGetScriptName(); // the name of this script. list split = compute_basename_and_version(self); if (llGetListLength(split) != 2) return; // nothing to do for this script. string basename = llList2String(split, 0); // script name with no version attached. string version_string = llList2String(split, 1); // the version found. integer posn; // find any scripts that match the basename. they are variants of this script. for (posn = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT) - 1; posn >= 0; posn--) { //log_it("invpo=" + (string)posn); string curr_script = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, posn); if ( (curr_script != self) && (llSubStringIndex(curr_script, basename) == 0) ) { // found a basic match at least. list inv_split = compute_basename_and_version(curr_script); if (llGetListLength(inv_split) == 2) { // see if this script is more ancient. string inv_version_string = llList2String(inv_split, 1); // the version found. // must make sure that the retiring script is completely the identical basename; // just matching in the front doesn't make it a relative. if ( (llList2String(inv_split, 0) == basename) && ((float)inv_version_string < (float)version_string) ) { // remove script with same name from inventory that has inferior version. llRemoveInventory(curr_script); } } } } } // // separates the base script name and version number. used by auto_retire. list compute_basename_and_version(string to_chop_up) { // minimum script name is 2 characters plus a version. integer space_v_posn; // find the last useful space and 'v' combo. for (space_v_posn = llStringLength(to_chop_up) - 3; (space_v_posn >= 2) && (llGetSubString(to_chop_up, space_v_posn, space_v_posn + 1) != " v"); space_v_posn--) { // look for space and v but do nothing else. //log_it("pos=" + (string)space_v_posn); } if (space_v_posn < 2) return []; // no space found. //log_it("space v@" + (string)space_v_posn); // now we zoom through the stuff after our beloved v character and find any evil // space characters, which are most likely from SL having found a duplicate item // name and not so helpfully renamed it for us. integer indy; for (indy = llStringLength(to_chop_up) - 1; indy > space_v_posn; indy--) { //log_it("indy=" + (string)space_v_posn); if (llGetSubString(to_chop_up, indy, indy) == " ") { // found one; zap it. since we're going backwards we don't need to // adjust the loop at all. to_chop_up = llDeleteSubString(to_chop_up, indy, indy); //log_it("saw case of previously redundant item, aieee. flattened: " + to_chop_up); } } string full_suffix = llGetSubString(to_chop_up, space_v_posn, -1); // ditch the space character for our numerical check. string chop_suffix = llGetSubString(full_suffix, 1, llStringLength(full_suffix) - 1); // strip out a 'v' if there is one. if (llGetSubString(chop_suffix, 0, 0) == "v") chop_suffix = llGetSubString(chop_suffix, 1, llStringLength(chop_suffix) - 1); // if valid floating point number and greater than zero, that works for our version. string basename = to_chop_up; // script name with no version attached. if ((float)chop_suffix > 0.0) { // this is a big success right here. basename = llGetSubString(to_chop_up, 0, -llStringLength(full_suffix) - 1); return [ basename, chop_suffix ]; } // seems like we found nothing useful. return []; } // ////////////// // from hufflets... integer debug_num = 0; // a debugging output method. can be disabled entirely in one place. log_it(string to_say) { debug_num++; // tell this to the owner. llOwnerSay(llGetScriptName() + "--" + (string)debug_num + ": " + to_say); // say this on open chat, but use an unusual channel. // llSay(108, llGetScriptName() + "--" + (string)debug_num + ": " + to_say); } // returns a number at most "maximum" and at least "minimum". // if "allow_negative" is TRUE, then the return may be positive or negative. float randomize_within_range(float minimum, float maximum, integer allow_negative) { if (minimum > maximum) { // flip the two if they are reversed. float temp = minimum; minimum = maximum; maximum = temp; } float to_return = minimum + llFrand(maximum - minimum); if (allow_negative) { if (llFrand(1.0) < 0.5) to_return *= -1.0; } return to_return; } // returns a random vector where x,y,z will be between "minimums" and "maximums" // x,y,z components. if "allow_negative" is true, then any component will // randomly be negative or positive. vector random_bound_vector(vector minimums, vector maximums, integer allow_negative) { return ; } // returns a vector whose components are between minimum and maximum. // if allow_negative is true, then they can be either positive or negative. vector random_vector(float minimum, float maximum, integer allow_negative) { return random_bound_vector(, , allow_negative); } // returns TRUE if a is less than b in any component. integer vector_less_than(vector a, vector b) { return (a.x < b.x) || (a.y < b.y) || (a.z < b.z); } // returns TRUE if a is greater than b in any component. integer vector_greater_than(vector a, vector b) { return (a.x > b.x) || (a.y > b.y) || (a.z > b.z); } // returns a list with two components; a new vector and a boolean. // the new vector starts from "starting_point". it will have a vector // between "minimum_addition" and "maximum_addition" added to it. // if it is over the "minimum_allowed" or the "maximum_allowed", then // it is reset to whichever it would have crossed over. two booleans // are also returned to indicate when the lower and upper limits were // exceeded (in that order). list limit_and_add(vector starting_point, vector minimum_allowed, vector maximum_allowed, vector minimum_addition, vector maximum_addition) { integer too_low = FALSE; integer too_high = FALSE; vector new_location = starting_point; vector addition = random_bound_vector(minimum_addition, maximum_addition, FALSE); //log_it("start=" + (string)starting_point + " addin=" + (string)addition); new_location += addition; if (vector_less_than(new_location, minimum_allowed)) { too_low = TRUE; new_location = minimum_allowed; } else if (vector_greater_than(new_location, maximum_allowed)) { too_high = TRUE; new_location = maximum_allowed; } return [ new_location, too_low, too_high ]; } ////////////// // variables used during the script. vector rez_position; // set at time of object rez from object's current location. vector rez_rotation; // set at time of object rez from object's current rotation. vector current_position_addin = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>; // the amount that we're adding to the rider's position right now. vector current_rotation_addin = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>; // randomly assigned to if JITTER_EFFECT is true. vector current_direction = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>; // we start out by adding to all axes. // provides a random vector that could be negative or positive for // any of the values. the range is given by the two constants // MIN_ADDITION and MAX_ADDITION. vector rando_vector() { return random_bound_vector(MIN_ANGULAR_POSITION * DEG_TO_RAD, MAX_ANGULAR_POSITION * DEG_TO_RAD, TRUE); } default { state_entry() { if (llSubStringIndex(llGetObjectName(), "huffotronic") < 0) state real_default; } on_rez(integer parm) { state rerun; } } state rerun { state_entry() { state default; } } state real_default { state_entry() { auto_retire(); rez_position = llGetPos(); rez_rotation = llRot2Euler(llGetRot()); //vector calc_rot = rez_rotation * RAD_TO_DEG; //log_it("rotation at start is " + (string)calc_rot); llSetTimerEvent(TIMER_FREQUENCY); } on_rez(integer parm) { llResetScript(); } timer() { if (USE_X_AXIS) { list add_result = limit_and_add(current_position_addin, , , , ); current_position_addin = llList2Vector(add_result, 0); integer too_low = llList2Integer(add_result, 1); integer too_high = llList2Integer(add_result, 2); if (too_low) current_direction.x = 1.0; else if (too_high) current_direction.x = -1.0; } if (USE_Y_AXIS) { list add_result = limit_and_add(current_position_addin, , , <0.0, current_direction.y * MIN_POSITION_ADJUSTMENT, 0.0>, <0.0, current_direction.y * MAX_POSITION_ADJUSTMENT, 0.0>); current_position_addin = llList2Vector(add_result, 0); integer too_low = llList2Integer(add_result, 1); integer too_high = llList2Integer(add_result, 2); if (too_low) current_direction.y = 1.0; else if (too_high) current_direction.y = -1.0; } if (USE_Z_AXIS) { list add_result = limit_and_add(current_position_addin, , , <0.0, 0.0, current_direction.z * MIN_POSITION_ADJUSTMENT>, <0.0, 0.0, current_direction.z * MAX_POSITION_ADJUSTMENT>); current_position_addin = llList2Vector(add_result, 0); integer too_low = llList2Integer(add_result, 1); integer too_high = llList2Integer(add_result, 2); if (too_low) current_direction.z = 1.0; else if (too_high) current_direction.z = -1.0; } //logic below for randomness is a bit odd. // change the jitter position if we get a chance. float starter = 0.420; // where we start looking for change. float change_cap = starter + CHANCE_FOR_JITTER; float randomness = llFrand(1.000); if ( (randomness <= change_cap) && (randomness >= starter) ) { // time for a change in the rotation. if (JITTER_EFFECT) { current_rotation_addin = rando_vector(); } } llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_POSITION, rez_position + current_position_addin, PRIM_ROTATION, llEuler2Rot(rez_rotation + current_rotation_addin) ]); } }