// huffware script: comfortable sitting, by fred huffhines. // // this script is licensed by the GPL v3 which is documented at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // do not use it in objects without fully realizing you are implicitly accepting that license. // ////////////// // global constants... string NOTEWORTHY_SIGNATURE = "#sitting"; // the notecard must begin with this as its first line for it to be // recognized as our configuration card. ////////////// // global variables that are loaded from a notecard. vector AVATAR_ROTATION = <0, 0, -90>; // star chair. //vector AVATAR_ROTATION = <0, 0, 0>; // the euler vector for rotation of the avatar after sitting, in degrees. // the rotation vector should be tailored to the object. vector AVATAR_POSITION = <-0.1, -0.28, -0.1>; // star chair. //vector AVATAR_POSITION = <0.34, 0, 0>; // the position of the sitting offset from the object center. also needs to be // tailored to the particular object. integer GOTO_WHICH_FLOOR = 1; // when serving as an elevator, this is a way to cause the teleport offset // to go to a particular floor. the real z position is calculated from // this times the floor size in meters. note that floors are numbered // starting at 1 (one). float FLOOR_SIZE_IN_METERS = 0.0; // when the script is used in an elevator, this specifies the height of the // floors. our current scheme will only work if that is constant between // the floors. float BASE_FLOOR_HEIGHT = 0.0; // the position of the first floor in meters. this will not affect the // position calculations unless floor size is non-zero. integer UNSEAT_AFTERWARDS = FALSE; // if this is true, then the avatar is unseated just after sitting down. float PAUSE_BEFORE_EVICTION = 0.28; // the number of seconds that the avatars get to sit before we pop them // out of the chair/teleporter/whatever. vector CAMERA_EYE_OFFSET = <3, 2, 1.5>; // star chair. // the offset for the camera after the avatar sits down. //relative to the avatar? vector CAMERA_TARGET = <-3, 0, 1>; // star chair. // the location where the camera is looking at once the avatar sits down. //relative to the avatar? ////////////// // global variables used in processing notecards... integer pending_response_id; // set to uniquely identify the notecard read in progress. list global_config_list; // a collection of configuration parameters from our notecard. integer global_config_index; // allows wrap-around feature, which we don't use here. ////////////// // interfaces for library scripts we rely on... // requires noteworthy library. // in this odd case, where we are trying to shrink script count, the noteworthy library // is embedded inside here. ////////////// // do not redefine these constants. integer NOTEWORTHY_HUFFWARE_ID = 10010; // the unique id within the huffware system for the noteworthy script to // accept commands on. this is used in llMessageLinked as the num parameter. string HUFFWARE_PARM_SEPARATOR = "{~~~}"; // this pattern is an uncommon thing to see in text, so we use it to separate // our commands in link messages. string HUFFWARE_ITEM_SEPARATOR = "{|||}"; // used to separate lists of items from each other when stored inside a parameter. // this allows lists to be passed as single string parameters if needed. integer REPLY_DISTANCE = 100008; // offset added to service's huffware id in reply IDs. string BAD_NOTECARD_INDICATOR = "bad_notecard"; // indicates that the notecard reading process has failed to find an appropriate one. string NOTECARD_READ_CONTINUATION = "continue!"; // returned as first parameter if there is still more data to handle. // commands available via the noteworthy library: string READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND = "#read_note#"; // command used to tell the script to read notecards. needs a signature to find // in the card as the first parameter, and a randomly generated response code for // the second parameter. the response code is used to uniquely identify a set of // pending notecard readings (hopefully). the signature can be blank. // the results will be fired back as the string value returned, which will have // as first element the notecard's name (or BAD_NOTECARD_INDICATOR if none was // found) and as subsequent elements an embedded list that was read from the // notecard. this necessarily limits the size of the notecards that we can read // and return. string READ_SPECIFIC_NOTECARD_COMMAND = "#read_thisun#"; // like the read notecard command, but specifies the notecard name to use. only that // specific notecard file will be consulted. first and second parm are still signature // and response code, third parm is the notecard name. // ////////////// // joins a list of parameters using the parameter sentinel for the library. string wrap_parameters(list to_flatten) { return llDumpList2String(to_flatten, HUFFWARE_PARM_SEPARATOR); } ////////////// // establishes the sitting parameters including camera offsets. setup_seating_arrangements() { llUnSit(llAvatarOnSitTarget()); // no one gets to ignore a script change. vector new_rot = AVATAR_ROTATION; new_rot *= DEG_TO_RAD; // convert to radians. rotation quat = llEuler2Rot(new_rot); // convert to quaternion. // get our position set up and take into account the elevator position. vector position = AVATAR_POSITION; //rename that variable to be "which floor to go to" if (FLOOR_SIZE_IN_METERS != 0) { vector temp = llGetPos(); integer my_floor = (integer) ((temp.z - BASE_FLOOR_HEIGHT ) / FLOOR_SIZE_IN_METERS) + 1; //log_it("my floor is " + (string)my_floor); float add_in = (float)(GOTO_WHICH_FLOOR - my_floor) * FLOOR_SIZE_IN_METERS; //log_it("decided to add in z: " + (string)add_in); position += <0, 0, add_in>; } // also we make this absolute by taking out the object's own rotation. // it's hard enough in life for z components to not mean z axis. position /= llGetRot(); llSitTarget(position, quat / llGetRot()); //hmmm: do we need same rot treatment on camera things? //hmmm: trying it. // now set the camera position to avoid having random viewpoint. llSetCameraEyeOffset(CAMERA_EYE_OFFSET / llGetRot()); llSetCameraAtOffset(CAMERA_TARGET / llGetRot()); } // this function fires off a request to the noteworthy library via a link message. // noteworthy will look for a notecard with our particular signature in it and // if it finds one, it will read the configuration therein. an empty string is // returned if noteworthy couldn't find anything. request_configuration() { // try to find a notecard with our configuration. pending_response_id = -1 * (integer)randomize_within_range(23, 80000, FALSE); string parms_sent = wrap_parameters([NOTEWORTHY_SIGNATURE, pending_response_id]); //call direct into noteworthy. noteworthy_handle_link_message(LINK_THIS, NOTEWORTHY_HUFFWARE_ID, READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, parms_sent); // llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, NOTEWORTHY_HUFFWARE_ID, READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, // parms_sent); } // processes link messages received from the noteworthy library. handle_link_message(integer which, integer num, string msg, key id) { if ( (num != NOTEWORTHY_HUFFWARE_ID + REPLY_DISTANCE) || (msg != READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND) ) return; // not for us. //log_it("handl: msg=" + msg + " id=" + id); // process the result of reading the notecard. list parms = llParseString2List(id, [HUFFWARE_PARM_SEPARATOR], []); string notecard_name = llList2String(parms, 0); //log_it("raw is " + llList2String(parms, 1)); integer response_for = llList2Integer(parms, 1); //log_it("resp cod=" + pending_response_id + " but this for=" + response_for); //if (response_for != pending_response_id) log_it("bad response code???"); if (response_for != pending_response_id) return; // oops, this isn't for us. if (notecard_name == BAD_NOTECARD_INDICATOR) { // we hated the notecards we found, or there were none. log_it("We apologize; there seem to be no notecards with a first line of '" + NOTEWORTHY_SIGNATURE + "'. We can't read any configuration until that situation improves."); } else { //log_it("got to handle link"); // snag all but the first two elements for our config now. global_config_list += llList2List(parms, 2, -1); // make sure we shouldn't keep going. if (notecard_name != NOTECARD_READ_CONTINUATION) { // a valid notecard has been found. global_config_index = 0; // we are starting over in the config list. // log_it("read notecard \"" + notecard_name + "\":"); // and process the file as a set of definitions. process_ini_config(); // now that we have a new set of parameters, use them. setup_seating_arrangements(); } } } /////////////// // consumes the notecard in a very application specific way to retrieve our configuration items. // the example script only looks for two variables: name and description. if those are found in // the sample card, then they are proudly shown. parse_variable_definition(string to_parse) { string content; // filled after finding a variable name. if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "avatar_rotation")) != "") { AVATAR_ROTATION = (vector)content; // log_it("** got avatar_rotation of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "avatar_position")) != "") { AVATAR_POSITION = (vector)content; // log_it("** got avatar_position of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "goto_which_floor")) != "") { GOTO_WHICH_FLOOR = (integer)content; // log_it("** got GOTO_WHICH_FLOOR of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "floor_size_in_meters")) != "") { FLOOR_SIZE_IN_METERS = (float)content; // log_it("** got FLOOR_SIZE_IN_METERS of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "base_floor_height")) != "") { BASE_FLOOR_HEIGHT = (float)content; // log_it("** got BASE_FLOOR_HEIGHT of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "unseat_afterwards")) != "") { UNSEAT_AFTERWARDS = (integer)content; // log_it("** got unseat_afterwards of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "pause_before_eviction")) != "") { PAUSE_BEFORE_EVICTION = (float)content; // log_it("** got pause_before_eviction of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "camera_eye_offset")) != "") { CAMERA_EYE_OFFSET = (vector)content; // log_it("** got camera_eye_offset of '" + content + "'"); } else if ( (content = get_variable_value(to_parse, "camera_target")) != "") { CAMERA_TARGET = (vector)content; // log_it("** got camera_target of '" + content + "'"); // } else { // log_it("unknown variable seen: " + to_parse); } } initialize() { // reset our relevant variables. global_config_list = []; global_config_index = 0; // announce that we're open for business. /// log_it("started, free mem=" + (string)llGetFreeMemory()); // request that the noteworthy library start looking for our notecard. request_configuration(); integer indy = 32; while (indy >= 0) { indy = find_in_inventory_partial("noteworthy", INVENTORY_SCRIPT); if (indy >= 0) { llRemoveInventory(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, indy)); } } } ////////////// // from hufflets... // integer debug_num = 0; // a debugging output method. can be disabled entirely in one place. log_it(string to_say) { debug_num++; // tell this to the owner. llOwnerSay(llGetScriptName() + "[" + (string)debug_num + "] " + to_say); // say this on an unusual channel for chat if it's not intended for general public. // llSay(108, llGetScriptName() + "[" + (string)debug_num + "] " + to_say); // say this on open chat that anyone can hear. we take off the bling for this one. // llSay(0, to_say); } // locates the string "text" in the list to "search_in". integer find_in_list(list search_in, string text) { integer len = llGetListLength(search_in); integer i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (llList2String(search_in, i) == text) return i; } return -1; } // returns TRUE if the "prefix" string is the first part of "compare_with". integer is_prefix(string compare_with, string prefix) { return (llSubStringIndex(compare_with, prefix) == 0); } // returns a number at most "maximum" and at least "minimum". // if "allow_negative" is TRUE, then the return may be positive or negative. float randomize_within_range(float minimum, float maximum, integer allow_negative) { if (minimum > maximum) { // flip the two if they are reversed. float temp = minimum; minimum = maximum; maximum = temp; } float to_return = minimum + llFrand(maximum - minimum); if (allow_negative) { if (llFrand(1.0) < 0.5) to_return *= -1.0; } return to_return; } // strips the spaces off of the beginning and end of a string. string strip_spaces(string to_strip) { // clean out initial spaces. while (llGetSubString(to_strip, 0, 0) == " ") to_strip = llDeleteSubString(to_strip, 0, 0); // clean out ending spaces. while (llGetSubString(to_strip, -1, -1) == " ") to_strip = llDeleteSubString(to_strip, -1, -1); return to_strip; } // parses a variable definition to find the name of the variable and its value. // this returns two strings [X, Y], if "to_split" is in the form X=Y. list separate_variable_definition(string to_split) { integer equals_indy = llSubStringIndex(to_split, "="); // we don't support missing an equals sign, and we don't support it as the first character. if (equals_indy <= 0) return []; // no match. string x = llGetSubString(to_split, 0, equals_indy - 1); string y = llGetSubString(to_split, equals_indy + 1, -1); to_split = ""; // save space. return [ strip_spaces(x), strip_spaces(y) ]; } // returns a non-empty string if "to_check" defines a value for "variable_name". // this must be in the form "X=Y", where X is the variable_name and Y is the value. string get_variable_value(string to_check, string variable_name) { list x_y = separate_variable_definition(to_check); if (llGetListLength(x_y) != 2) return ""; // failure to parse a variable def at all. if (!is_prefix(llList2String(x_y, 0), variable_name)) return ""; // no match. return llList2String(x_y, 1); // a match! } // examines all entries that we got from the notecard to see if any contain definitions. // this is basically an INI file reader, but it uses a list instead of a file. // ini files provide a format with multiple sections of config information, like so: // [section_1] // name1=value1 // name2=value2 ...etc... // [section_2] // name1=value1 ...etc... process_ini_config() { // log_it("scanning notecard for variable definitions..."); integer indy; integer count = llGetListLength(global_config_list); string section_name; // set later if we see one. // iterate across the items in our configuration to look for ones that are not done yet. for (indy = global_config_index; indy < count; indy++) { string line = llList2String(global_config_list, indy); // search for a section beginning. if (llGetSubString(line, 0, 0) == "[") { // we found the start of a section name. now read the contents. indy++; // skip section line. section_name = llGetSubString(line, 1, -2); log_it("reading section: " + section_name); } integer sec_indy; for (sec_indy = indy; sec_indy < count; sec_indy++) { // read the lines in the section. line = llList2String(global_config_list, sec_indy); if (llGetSubString(line, 0, 0) != "[") { // try to interpret this line as a variable setting. this is just // one example of a way to handle the config file; one might instead // want to do something below once a whole section is read. parse_variable_definition(line); indy = sec_indy; // track that we've passed this line. } else { // we're at the beginning of a new section now, so start processing its // configuration in the outer loop. indy = sec_indy - 1; // set indy to proper beginning of section. global_config_index = indy; // remember where we had read to. sec_indy = count + 3; // skip remainder of inner loop. } } } global_config_index = 0; // reset outer position if want to re-read. } // locates the item with "name_to_find" in the inventory items with the "type". // a value from 0 to N-1 is returned if it's found, where N is the number of // items in the inventory. integer find_in_inventory_partial(string name_to_find, integer inv_type) { integer num_inv = llGetInventoryNumber(inv_type); if (num_inv == 0) return -1; // nothing there! integer inv; for (inv = 0; inv < num_inv; inv++) { if (is_prefix(llGetInventoryName(inv_type, inv), name_to_find)) return inv; } return -2; // failed to find it. } ////////////// // huffware script: auto-retire, by fred huffhines, version 1.9. // distributed under BSD-like license. // partly based on the self-upgrading scripts from markov brodsky and jippen faddoul. // the function auto_retire() should be added *inside* a version numbered script that // you wish to give the capability of self-upgrading. // this script supports a notation for versions embedded in script names where a 'v' // is followed by a number in the form "major.minor", e.g. "grunkle script by ted v8.2". // when the containing script is dropped into an object with a different version, the // most recent version eats any existing ones. // keep in mind that this code must be *copied* into your script you wish to add // auto-retirement capability to. // // example usage of the auto-retirement script: // // default { // state_entry() { // auto_retire(); // make sure newest addition is only version of script. // } // } auto_retire() { string self = llGetScriptName(); // the name of this script. list split = compute_basename_and_version(self); if (llGetListLength(split) != 2) return; // nothing to do for this script. string basename = llList2String(split, 0); // script name with no version attached. string version_string = llList2String(split, 1); // the version found. integer posn; // find any scripts that match the basename. they are variants of this script. for (posn = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT) - 1; posn >= 0; posn--) { string curr_script = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, posn); if ( (curr_script != self) && (llSubStringIndex(curr_script, basename) == 0) ) { // found a basic match at least. list inv_split = compute_basename_and_version(curr_script); if (llGetListLength(inv_split) == 2) { // see if this script is more ancient. string inv_version_string = llList2String(inv_split, 1); // the version found. if ((float)inv_version_string < (float)version_string) { // remove script with same name from inventory that has inferior version. llRemoveInventory(curr_script); } } } } } // // separates the base script name and version number. used by auto_retire. list compute_basename_and_version(string to_chop_up) { if (llSubStringIndex(to_chop_up, " ") < 0) return []; // no space found, not a valid name to work on. string basename = to_chop_up; // script name with no version attached. integer posn; // minimum script name is 2 characters plus version. for (posn = llStringLength(to_chop_up) - 1; (posn >= 2) && (llGetSubString(to_chop_up, posn, posn) != " "); posn--) { // find the space. do nothing else. } if (posn < 2) return []; // no space found. string full_suffix = llGetSubString(to_chop_up, posn, -1); // ditch the space character for our numerical check. string chop_suffix = llGetSubString(full_suffix, 1, llStringLength(full_suffix) - 1); // strip out a 'v' if there is one. if (llGetSubString(chop_suffix, 0, 0) == "v") chop_suffix = llGetSubString(chop_suffix, 1, llStringLength(chop_suffix) - 1); // if valid floating point number and greater than zero, that works for our version. if ((float)chop_suffix > 0.0) { // this is a big success right here. basename = llGetSubString(to_chop_up, 0, -llStringLength(full_suffix) - 1); return [ basename, chop_suffix ]; } // seems like we found nothing useful. return []; } // ////////////// // end hufflets ////////////// ////////////// // from noteworthy: // huffware script: noteworthy library, by fred huffhines. // // a handy approach to reading a notecard. this version supports requiring // a 'signature' in the notecard's first line, so that multiple notecards can // exist in an object without being misinterpreted. the script is accessed via // its link message API, so it can be used in an object without all this code // needing to be embedded in another script. it also supports queuing up requests // to read notecards, so multiple scripts can use it to read their specific // notecards without any special handling (besides waiting a bit longer). // // this script is licensed by the GPL v3 which is documented at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // do not use it in objects without fully realizing you are implicitly accepting that license. // // constants that can be adapted to your needs... integer DEBUGGING = FALSE; // if this is true, then a lot of extra noise is generated when notecards are read. float TIME_OUT_ON_ONE_NOTECARD = 120.0; // we allow one line of a notecard this long to be read before we decide it's hosed. // some sims are very very slow, and a time-out of one minute has been found lacking; // we saw at least one case where the first notecard line to be read took longer than // 60 seconds. that's why we keep cranking this time-out up... // constants that should not be changed... // outcomes from handling a line in a notecard. integer STILL_READING = -8; // the notecard seems good, but isn't finished. integer BAD_NOTECARD = -9; // this notecard doesn't have our signature. integer DONE_READING = -10; // the notecard is finished being read. integer LIST_ELEMENT_GUESS = 200; // guess at how many bytes average list element uses. integer MAXIMUM_LINES_USED = 4; // we will read this many lines at a time from the appropriate notecard. // global variables... string requested_signature = ""; // if this is non-empty, then it must be found in the first line of the script. integer only_read_one_notecard = FALSE; // true if just one specific notecard should be used. string global_notecard_name; // the name of the card we're reading now. key global_query_id = NULL_KEY; // the identifier of our data query. integer current_response_code = 0; // the code that our client uses for its reading. list global_query_contents; // the lines we have read from the notecard. integer line_number = 0; // which line are we at in notecard? integer found_signature_line = FALSE; // did we find our first line in a notecard yet? integer trying_notecard_at = -1; // where we are currently looking for a good notecard. list pending_signatures; // signatures from queued requests for reading. list pending_response_codes; // response codes for the queued requests. list pending_notecard_names; // card names if it's a specific request. ////////////// startup_initialize() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); pending_signatures = []; pending_response_codes = []; pending_notecard_names = []; current_response_code = 0; } reset_for_reading(string signature, integer response_code_in) { requested_signature = signature; current_response_code = response_code_in; llSetTimerEvent(TIME_OUT_ON_ONE_NOTECARD); // don't allow a read to happen forever. global_query_contents = []; global_notecard_name = ""; line_number = 0; found_signature_line = FALSE; trying_notecard_at = -1; global_query_id = NULL_KEY; } // use the existing global notecard setting to start reading. select_specific_notecard() { global_query_id = NULL_KEY; // reset the query id so we don't get bogus answers. line_number = 0; // reset line number again. global_query_id = llGetNotecardLine(global_notecard_name, 0); } // picks the notecard at the "index" (from 0 to num_notecards - 1) and // starts reading it. select_notecard(integer index) { global_query_id = NULL_KEY; // reset the query id so we don't get bogus answers. string card_specified = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, index); if (card_specified == "") return; // not good. bad index. global_notecard_name = card_specified; line_number = 0; // reset line number again. // we have a new file name, so load up the destinations, hopefully. global_query_id = llGetNotecardLine(global_notecard_name, 0); } // increments our index in the count of notecards that the object has, and start // reading the next notecard (at the index). integer try_next_notecard() { if (only_read_one_notecard) { return FALSE; // we were only going to try one. } // reset some values that might have applied before. global_notecard_name = ""; // skip to the next card. trying_notecard_at++; // make sure we're not over the count of cards. if (trying_notecard_at >= llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD)) { // this is a problem. we didn't find anything suitable. return FALSE; } // so, now we'll try the next notecard to look for our signature. select_notecard(trying_notecard_at); return TRUE; } // process a line of text that we received from the current notecard. integer handle_notecard_line(key query_id, string data) { // if we're not at the end of the notecard we're reading... if (data != EOF) { // there's more to read in the notecard still. if (data != "") { // make sure we even have a signature to look for. if (!found_signature_line && (requested_signature == "")) { // no signature means that we always find it. found_signature_line = TRUE; } // did we already get our signature? if not, see if this is it. if (!found_signature_line && (data != requested_signature) ) { // this is a bad notecard. skip it. if (!try_next_notecard()) { // we have no more to work with. return BAD_NOTECARD; } return STILL_READING; // we'll keep going. } else if (!found_signature_line && (data == requested_signature) ) { // this is a good signature line, so record that and then skip it. found_signature_line = TRUE; } else { if (DEBUGGING && ( ( (requested_signature == "") && (line_number == 0) ) || ( (requested_signature != "") && (line_number == 1) ) ) ) { log_it("started reading " + global_notecard_name + "..."); } // don't record any lines that are comments. if ( (llGetSubString(data, 0, 0) != "#") && (llGetSubString(data, 0, 0) != ";") ) { // add the non-blank line to our list. global_query_contents += data; // make sure we still have enough space to keep going. if (llGetListLength(global_query_contents) >= MAXIMUM_LINES_USED) { // ooh, make sure we pause before blowing our heap&stack. send_reply(LINK_THIS, [ NOTECARD_READ_CONTINUATION, current_response_code ], READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, TRUE); } } } } line_number++; // increase the line count. // reset the timer rather than timing out, if we actually got some data. llSetTimerEvent(TIME_OUT_ON_ONE_NOTECARD); // request the next line from the notecard. global_query_id = llGetNotecardLine(global_notecard_name, line_number); if (global_query_id == NULL_KEY) { //log_it("failed to restart notecard reading."); return DONE_READING; //is that the best outcome? } return STILL_READING; } else { // that's the end of the notecard. we need some minimal verification that it // wasn't full of garbage. if (!found_signature_line) { if (DEBUGGING) log_it("never found signature in " + global_notecard_name); if (!try_next_notecard()) { return BAD_NOTECARD; // we failed to find a good line? } else { // the next notecard's coming through now. return STILL_READING; } } else { // if (DEBUGGING) log_it("found signature."); // saw the signature line, so this is a good one. return DONE_READING; } } } // only sends reply; does not reset notecard process. send_reply(integer destination, list parms, string command, integer include_query) { //log_it("froyo: curre code=" + current_response_code); //integer items = llGetListLength(parms); //if (include_query) items += llGetListLength(global_query_contents); //log_it("pre-sending " + (string)items + " items, mem=" + (string)llGetFreeMemory()); if (!include_query) { handle_link_message(destination, NOTEWORTHY_HUFFWARE_ID + REPLY_DISTANCE, command, llDumpList2String(parms, HUFFWARE_PARM_SEPARATOR)); } else { handle_link_message(destination, NOTEWORTHY_HUFFWARE_ID + REPLY_DISTANCE, command, llDumpList2String(parms + global_query_contents, HUFFWARE_PARM_SEPARATOR)); } global_query_contents = []; //log_it("post-sending, mem=" + (string)llGetFreeMemory()); } // a simple version of a reply for a command that has been executed. the parameters // might contain an outcome or result of the operation that was requested. send_reply_and_reset(integer destination, list parms, string command, integer include_query) { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // stop the timer, since we're about to reply. send_reply(destination, parms, command, include_query); //log_it("about to reset response code"); current_response_code = 0; // reset back to default so we can start another read. global_query_id = NULL_KEY; // reset so we accept no more data. } // if there are other pending notecard reads, this goes to the next one listed. dequeue_next_request() { if (llGetListLength(pending_signatures)) { // get the info from the next pending item. string sig = llList2String(pending_signatures, 0); integer response_code_temp = llList2Integer(pending_response_codes, 0); string notecard = llList2String(pending_notecard_names, 0); // whack the head of the queue since we grabbed the info. pending_signatures = llDeleteSubList(pending_signatures, 0, 0); pending_response_codes = llDeleteSubList(pending_response_codes, 0, 0); pending_notecard_names = llDeleteSubList(pending_notecard_names, 0, 0); if (llStringLength(notecard)) { global_notecard_name = notecard; select_specific_notecard(); } else { reset_for_reading(sig, response_code_temp); } } } // deals with one data server answer from the notecard. process_notecard_line(key query_id, string data) { // try to consume a line from the notecard. integer outcome = handle_notecard_line(query_id, data); if (outcome == DONE_READING) { // that was a valid notecard and we read all of it. if (DEBUGGING) log_it("finished reading " + global_notecard_name + "."); // send back the results. send_reply_and_reset(LINK_THIS, [ global_notecard_name, current_response_code ], READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, TRUE); } else if (outcome == BAD_NOTECARD) { // bail; this problem must be addressed by other means. if (DEBUGGING) log_it("failed to find an appropriate notecard"); send_reply_and_reset(LINK_THIS, [ BAD_NOTECARD_INDICATOR, current_response_code ], READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, FALSE); } else if (outcome == STILL_READING) { // we have a good card and are still processing it. return; } else { if (DEBUGGING) log_it("unknown outcome from handle_notecard_line"); // again, bail out. we have no idea what happened with this. send_reply_and_reset(LINK_THIS, [ BAD_NOTECARD_INDICATOR, current_response_code ], READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, FALSE); } // if we have reached here, we should crank up the next queued notecard reading. dequeue_next_request(); } // processes requests from our users. noteworthy_handle_link_message(integer which, integer num, string msg, key id) { if (num != NOTEWORTHY_HUFFWARE_ID) return; // not for us. if (msg == READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND) { only_read_one_notecard = FALSE; // general inquiry for any card. list parms = llParseString2List(id, [HUFFWARE_PARM_SEPARATOR], []); //log_it("read notecard--parms are: " + (string)parms); string signature = llList2String(parms, 0); integer response_code_temp = llList2Integer(parms, 1); //log_it("got signature " + signature + " and respcode " + (string)response_code_temp); //holding: if (!current_response_code) { // go ahead and process this request; we aren't busy. reset_for_reading(signature, response_code_temp); if (!try_next_notecard()) { if (DEBUGGING) log_it("failed to find any appropriate notecards at all."); send_reply_and_reset(LINK_THIS, [ BAD_NOTECARD_INDICATOR, response_code_temp ], READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, FALSE); return; } //holding: } else { //holding: // we're already busy. //holding:// send_reply_and_reset(LINK_THIS, [ BUSY_READING_INDICATOR, response_code_temp ], //holding:// READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, FALSE); //holding: // stack this request; another is in progress. //holding: pending_signatures += signature; //holding: pending_response_codes += response_code_temp; //holding: pending_notecard_names += ""; //holding: } } else if (msg == READ_SPECIFIC_NOTECARD_COMMAND) { only_read_one_notecard = TRUE; // they want one particular card. list parms = llParseString2List(id, [HUFFWARE_PARM_SEPARATOR], []); //log_it("read specific--parms are: " + (string)parms); string signature = llList2String(parms, 0); integer response_code_temp = llList2Integer(parms, 1); string notecard_name = llList2String(parms, 2); //log_it("got signature " + signature + " and respcode " + (string)response_code_temp); //holding: if (!current_response_code) { // go ahead and process this request; we aren't busy. reset_for_reading(signature, response_code_temp); global_notecard_name = notecard_name; // set our global. select_specific_notecard(); //holding: } else { //holding: // we're already busy. //holding:// send_reply_and_reset(LINK_THIS, [ BUSY_READING_INDICATOR, response_code_temp ], //holding:// READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, FALSE); //holding: // stack this request; another is in progress. //holding: pending_signatures += signature; //holding: pending_response_codes += response_code_temp; //holding: pending_notecard_names += notecard_name; //holding: } } } default { state_entry() { if (llSubStringIndex(llGetObjectName(), "huffotronic") < 0) state real_default; } on_rez(integer parm) { state rerun; } } state rerun { state_entry() { state default; } } state real_default { state_entry() { auto_retire(); // make sure newest addition is only version of script. /////not needed now llSleep(1.0); // snooze just a bit to let noteworthy start up? startup_initialize(); initialize(); // start asking about the notecards. setup_seating_arrangements(); // use our current defaults for sitting posn. } on_rez(integer parm) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { // llSleep(3.14159265358); // delay to avoid interfering with upgrade. llResetScript(); } if (!(change & CHANGED_LINK)) return; // don't care. if (!UNSEAT_AFTERWARDS) return; // nothing else below is needed. if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() == NULL_KEY) return; // no one there, so ditto. // now give them a bit of time to rest before dumping them. llSetTimerEvent(PAUSE_BEFORE_EVICTION); } timer() { if (current_response_code != 0) { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // stop any timer now. // let the caller know this has failed out. if (DEBUGGING) log_it("time out processing '" + requested_signature + "'"); send_reply_and_reset(LINK_THIS, [ BAD_NOTECARD_INDICATOR, current_response_code ], READ_NOTECARD_COMMAND, FALSE); current_response_code = 0; // we gave up on that one. dequeue_next_request(); // get next reading started if we have anything to read. } else { // perform short range teleport, effectively... llUnSit(llAvatarOnSitTarget()); // ha, got that guy back up. llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // reset timer. } } // process the response from the noteworthy library. link_message(integer which, integer num, string msg, key id) { handle_link_message(which, num, msg, id); } dataserver(key query_id, string data) { // make sure this data is for us. if (global_query_id != query_id) return; // yep, seems to be. process_notecard_line(query_id, data); } }