#ifndef LOGGING_FILTERS_GROUP #define LOGGING_FILTERS_GROUP ////////////// // Name : logging_filters // Author : Chris Koeritz ////////////// // Copyright (c) 2010-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation: // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // or under the terms of the GNU Library license: // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html // at your preference. Those licenses describe your legal rights to this // software, and no other rights or warranties apply. // Please send updates for this code to: fred@gruntose.com -- Thanks, fred. ////////////// #include namespace loggers { enum logging_filters { // synonyms for filters that are important enough to always show. FILT_FATAL = basis::ALWAYS_PRINT, FILT_ERROR = basis::ALWAYS_PRINT, // the first really selectable filters follow... one might notice a // small similarity to levels available with log4j. DEFINE_FILTER(FILT_WARNING, 1, "Important or unusual condition occurred in the runtime."), DEFINE_FILTER(FILT_INFO, 2, "Information from normal runtime activities."), DEFINE_FILTER(FILT_DEBUG, 3, "Noisy debugging information from objects."), // occasionally useful filters for locally defined categories. DEFINE_FILTER(FILT_UNUSUAL, 4, "Unusual but not necessarily erroneous events."), DEFINE_FILTER(FILT_NETWORK, 5, "Network activity and events."), DEFINE_FILTER(FILT_DATABASE, 6, "Data storage activities or warnings.") }; } //namespace. #endif