#!/bin/bash # Tears down the demo users previously set up for multi-user testing. # # Author: Chris Koeritz export WORKDIR="$( \cd "$(\dirname "$0")" && \pwd )" # obtain the script's working directory. cd "$WORKDIR" if [ -z "$TESTKIT_SENTINEL" ]; then echo Please run prepare_tools.sh before testing.; exit 3; fi source "$TESTKIT_ROOT/library/establish_environment.sh" progname="$(basename "$0")" if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "$progname: This script needs a single parameter, which is the container" echo "path to use for the authentication (e.g. $STS_LOC)" exit 3 fi ADMIN_CONTAINER=$1; shift echo "container location is $ADMIN_CONTAINER " # we test for ten users currently. user_count=10 # login the right power user that can delete other user entries. testLoginAsAdmin() { if [ -z "$NON_INTERACTIVE" ]; then login_a_user admin fi } # now that we're logged in appropriately, delete our corresponding set of users. testDeleteUsers() { local x for (( x=0; x < ${#MULTI_USER_LIST[*]}; x++ )); do username="${MULTI_USER_LIST[$x]}" echo "Whacking user '$username'..." passwd="${MULTI_PASSWORD_LIST[$x]}" # now do the heavy lifting to get that user set up. silent_grid script "local:'$TESTKIT_ROOT/library/delete_one_user.xml'" "$CONTAINERPATH" "$(basename $username)" "$username" "$SUBMIT_GROUP" assertEquals "Should delete user '$username' successfully" 0 $? done } # make sure we don't leave them logged in as an administrator. testLogoutAgain() { if [ -z "$NON_INTERACTIVE" ]; then silent_grid logout --all assertEquals "Final logout of the grid" 0 $? fi } testLoginNormalUser() { if [ -z "$NON_INTERACTIVE" ]; then login_a_user normal fi } # load and run shUnit2 source "$SHUNIT_DIR/shunit2"